日本財団 図書館


are isolotinist in instind and closing eyes to the fact of ever increasing inter-dependence of the world.
In conclusion, we can and should look at the 21st century with great hope and anticipation, a bright horizon is opening before us. with many improvement in life for much a humanity. But we should dream about the future with keen awareness of many road-blocks and dangers on the way. We must be prepared to meet the challenges and difficulties with firm determination and the unity of outlook. The progress will inevitably be slow, it will be accompanied by its negative side. Sustainable development has its cost. We have to make Greater efforts to harmonize our cherished traditional values with new opportunities. A better dialogue must be organized to bridge the gap between countries, as well as, the old and the younger generations, Short-term material gains will have to be forsaken in favour of long-term interest and far-reaching positive consequences upon social stability and the quality of life.
We have a lot to gain from a better awareness as citizens of the world, pledging our allegiance to universal human values and ideals, rather than to narrow loyalty as nationals of independent states. But we have to be humble in order not to impose our own personal or national likes and dislikes prejudices and perspectives upon others.
A blind faith in the traditional values will be harmful. But we should be mindful that, in our haste to make progress, we do not espouse false new religion, faith, fad or ideology. Ladies and gentlemen, let us step into the future with confidence and determination, and with realism and full awareness of the very complex consequences of technological change and economic gains. Let us insist above all on an ever-widening dialogue and discussion, and the maximum openness to diverse ideas, attitudes and values from which we can only be enriched. From these constant efforts will emerge more common action to safeguard our family and community, to protect our environment and our heritage and to enjoy the extensive benefits of economic progress and international exchange. In short, vigilance and hard-work must be our motto to achieve our better future.
I wish all the best and fruitful endeavours to the members of the Junior Chamber and all the participants who have come from all over the world, because you are among the vanguards of the enlightened model citizens of the 21st century.





